Honest Mining April Highlight — Honest Mining Blog

3 min readApr 30, 2019


Honest Mining is Crypto Mining Platform that makes staking accessible where everyone can easily join masternode and earn masternode rewards with a small investment. Come with a competitive and transparent fee, Honest Mining is a miner-friendly company. For more information: www.HonestMining.com


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Greetings to all Honest Mining Members

Welcome to Honest Mining Second Issue of Monthly Report Update!

Here is a quick update of what Honest Mining has been done along this April 2019:

Zcoin Masternode Sold Out

After SMARTNode sold out, this time is ZcoinNode sold out. Two Masternode on Honest Mining Platform with a total of 400 seats sold out! Thanks for all the enthusiast from all the miners who trust Honest Mining as their Crypto Mining Partners.

Honest is Now Registered on Blockfolio

Honest is now registered on Blockfolio, a popular app for tracking chart and price movement for your favorite coin. Download now on Appstore and Google Play Store for the most updated movement of Honest.

Honest Mining Easter Airdrop: Mystery Egg

Thank you for all Miners who’d join Honest Mining Easter AirDrop: Mystery Egg. Enjoy the prize and don’t forget to join our next Airdrop. Join our Telegram Group or Follow our Social Media to keep Updated about our next Airdrop and Bounty.

STAKE UP! Community Event by Honest Mining

STAKE UP, a community event held by Honest Mining for all crypto enthusiast. with “Rahasia Mendapatkan Passive Income Melalui Crypto Staking” as the topic, Honest Mining invites a super insightful speaker which are Mr. Danny Baskara, CEO Vexanium, Mr. Bungaran Eka Suryadi, Co-founder & CTO Fivebalance, and Mr. Lawrence Samantha, Founder & CEO Honest Mining. Stay tuned on our Telegram Group and Social Media for our upcoming event.

PIVX Listed on Honest Mining Platform

PIVX is now listed on Honest Mining Platform. PIVX project is focused on advancing its privacy technology to ensure fungibility, improving network scalability, and increasing real-world utilization to become a globally-accepted decentralized online digital currency.

Honest Mining Video Bounty Extended

Followed by a new coin, the deadline for Honest Mining Video Bounty is extended until May 31, 2019. Join Honest Mining Video Bounty Now and Get the total prize 4000 HSNT.

Want to know more? join our Telegram group ( Indonesia || English) and Telegram Channel or follow our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube



Come and join Honest Mining to start staking and get great rewards with a minimum investment. Register yourself now.

Originally published at https://honestmining.com on April 30, 2019.




Written by NOBI 💫

NOBI is a mobile app that provides bank-like services so people can easily grow their crypto. Download NOBI now on Play Store & App Store linktr.ee/useNOBI

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